Our Story, so far...

Spencer Smith
Founder & Creator of FDPack

“Forecasts Done Properly!”

15 years ago, Spencer was one of the first people in the UK to offer a “Virtual FD” service which allowed businesses to have the services of a financial director for just a few days each month. To quickly and easily generate the reports he needed for board & senior management meetings he created an Excel tool he called “FDPack”.

He noted how in many organisations there was a separation of historical accounting and forecasting both in the tools that were used and the ways in which the information was prepared. This created inefficiencies and inaccuracies when they needed to be combined into management reports.

Spencer configured the forecasting model within FDPack to create journal format entries identical to those found in any historical accounting system. Actual and Forecast were now talking the same “language” ensuring integrated and reliable P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow forecasts and the ability to easily and seamlessly swap out actuals for forecasts as the year rolled forward.

Repeatedly seeing the benefits to clients of quality of information and time savings convinced Spencer to invest in the FDPack web application that allows the monthly reports to be easily and securely shared across any organisation.

Simon Phippen - Consultant

Simon is a Management Accountant who has joined the firm to assist in the expansion of the business driven by the recent development of the FDPack web application.

He has worked in a variety of financial and operational roles in several industries and always enjoyed the challenge of identifying, from a mass of data, the small amount of information that is critical to understand and manage a business.

He has experience in developing and working with planning and forecasting tools in both corporate and personal finance.

Lee Ramsingh Technology Partner

Lee is the Founder and Managing Director of Better Technology Consulting who are the technology partners of FDPack.

Lee and his team have expertise in C#, VB.NET, MS SQL, VBA and Microsoft Office solutions. They are specialists in web-based "on-demand" reporting and analysis for "Big Data“.

He has worked closely with Spencer to bring his vision of an online version of FDPack to fruition. Better Technology continue to be closely involved in the ongoing development and support of the FDPack tool.